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Coffee machines piss !

Machines made available are often non-operational and can piss off your coffee. Despite several maintenance and repairs, this machine breaks down after not even 1 month.

I quote, « Damn, he just pissed my coffee, noo! My 1€ » Tiago, a great man.

We got in touch with the manager of this machine, unfortunately without answer.

Image representative d'une machine à café

School catering !

Before, Super U was the main place to buy food for the people of the UIT. For scholarship recipients, it was a significant budget every noon, a sandwich is worth 2€ or more at the SuperU.

Now, the Crous of Creteil has put in place a school restoration (finally!), An immense time saving and money savings for scholarship holders

Rather good quality meal, cooked dishes, sandwiches or a quiche. Everyone is present to eat well at 1€

Logo du Crous de Creteil